Complete guide for the Tax System in Cyprus
Learn about the Tax System in Cyprus for Companies, residence and more
Cyprus-A Modern Business & Maritime Centre
A maritime centre with infrastructure and services for a globalized shipping business
Cyprus: The gateway to international investors
Cyprus, offers the ideal location for channel investments anywhere in the world.
Financial reporting and accounting
We provide an extensive range of accounting and reporting services designed to enhance the value of the overall business
Audit and assurance services
We prepare and audit FSs and consolidated FSs in accordance with the IFRS’s
Payroll services
The assignment of payroll obligations to our firm will benefit the company in terms of cost, accuracy, timing and confidentiality
Tax and vat compliance
We provide guidance to multinational and local groups of companies in developing their tax strategies and meet all compliance requirements
Business consultancy services
Whether you want to expand your operations, merge or sell your business, our highly experienced and skilled team can provide valuation services.
Fiduciary services
We work with an extensive network of respectable associates and we can assist our clients in the provision of fiduciary services
Banking Services
We can handle all your banking matters with the outmost care and confidentiality.
Corporate Services
Your corporate service partner in Cyprus
Training And Seminars
Our expert trainer provides seminars on IFRSs and ISA

Submission of the Summary Information Table of Controlled Transactions and updating of the Documentation File for Controlled Transaction Prices
All taxpayers with related party transactions must electronically submit the Summary Information Table of Controlled Transactions to the tax department through the Tax For All (TFA) portal For the tax year 2022 by 28/02/2025 and For the tax year 2023 by 30/11/2025 Failure to submit the Summary Information Table of Controlled Transactions results in a fine of €500 for each person. The information included in the Summary Information Table is the VAT number, the name and tax residence jurisdiction of the counterparty, the type of the controlled transaction with the corresponding amounts. The five categories of controlled transactions are (a) Goods (Sale and Purchase) (b) Services (Provision and Receipt) (c) Rights and other intangible assets (Sale/Provision and Purchase/Receipt) (d) Financial transactions (Provision and Receipt) (e) Others (Sale/Provision and Purchase/Receipt) Based on…

Υποβολή Συνοπτικού Πίνακα Πληροφοριών Ελεγχόμενων Συναλλαγών και επικαιροποίηση του Φακέλου Τεκμηρίωσης Τιμών Ελεγχόμενων Συναλλαγών
Για το έτος 2022 μέχρι 28/02/2025 (more…)

Σύμφωνα με το Διάταγμα του Υπουργού Εργασίας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων, όπως έχει δημοσιευτεί στην επίσημη εφημερίδα της Δημοκρατίας, κάθε (more…)

December 2024 highlights
Temporary Tax Assessment – 2nd instalment In accordance with the Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law, all companies / self-employed individuals are required to notify the Commissioner of Taxation of their estimated chargeable income, and consequently their resulting temporary tax for the year 2024. (more…)

Cyprus Tax Residency and Non – Dom rules
Cyprus Tax Residency and Non – Dom rules About Cyprus (more…)

Auditor assistant
Auditor assistant OPEN (more…)

Taxation of Cyprus investment income
Corporate Income Tax (CIT) (more…)

Junior Auditor for offices in Nicosia
Junior Auditor for offices in Nicosia OPEN (more…)

Abolishment of annual levy / Κατάργηση ετήσιου τέλους
Κατάργηση ετήσιου τέλους Εταιρειών (more…)

OPEN POSITIONS Junior Auditor Accountant Senior Accountant Auditor
Cyprus tax information 2024
July, 2024
This publication provides an overview of the Cyprus Tax System and is intended for general guidance only
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